Nem kell szőke herceg fehér lovon, csak a One Direction piros buszon! :DA blond prince is not needed on a white horse only One Direction on a red bus! :D

Louisnak there are enough!

Louis Tomlinsonnak enough are from it, that One Direction members are taken for warmth. Said that Harry is his best friend, and they go away anywhere, it has to be watched always what is done, how viselekdnek. This monduk may be annoying according to me.They are listening constantly, in any way make photograph. This may not be entertaining because of that. One or two pictures were taken on which like that, as if, but no! Nothing! Exists like that, that optical illusion, is disappearing because of this so on the picture, nothing happens though!!! Almost all have a girlfriend, the one for which there is not pedik, then for him was, and with what correct and jófejek, sure, that they will have a girlfriend soon. Who loves them really, believes for the pictures, believes them, and for everybody else, who is ugyanzt, claims it, than they and me. I believe, indeed, not too! I know that he is the way.

Harry will does it as a lonely old man according to Liam!

Liam said that Harry is not lucky in the love according to it, on the other hand others great knows to bring for. For example Louis, and Elenor Cadler for him kthey may say thank you for it their contact.

American One Direction sued it English One Directiont!

His 2010. September, the English X factor team, One Direction is laughing sent it to become himself. An American One Direction, who sued the Englishs, existed already then on the other hand, because they were formed earlier with a year, and protected their name. But the névprotecting the 2011. happened in his February, the English boy team bears this name rightfully because of this. Louisék it was said that they made this name famous while they were not formed, many people did not know it, for example me neither, American One Directiont. The litigation lasts yet if I hear new news, I write it. (According to me English One Directionnak he, harm has truth, harm, how I may not interfere in it.)

One Direction management wants to cut it out Niallt!

His microphone was turned down during a concert first, and they paid attention to him playing the guitar only already nearest already. But I do not understand it, that why, because he should sing more according to me, Louisnak! But the rest of the team's members do not let it to be put out Niallt. For example Harry exchanged his microphone when the incident with microphone is törrtént Niallével. How he should sing when they did not wish altogether already though, Louis declared that he will not sing then. Because of that good guys, that they stand by their companion, and it is not let to be removed from the gang. Is apparent from this, that true friends. They stand by each other, and each other are protected.

Answer One Direction question.

26th July 2012
One Direction members would like to know it, we that single thing (#OneThing), that the you love mostly in your best friends.
Click, and create a postcard with your best friends on Tumblr side. The best ones the 1D too posts!

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