Nem kell szőke herceg fehér lovon, csak a One Direction piros buszon! :DA blond prince is not needed on a white horse only One Direction on a red bus! :D

One Direction was formed so

In 2010, Louis Tomlinson, Harry Styles, Naill Horan, Zayn Mali and Liam Payne they reported themselves separately into the 7. series of the English X factor. They could not have got further so, but Nicole Scherzinger felajánlota, that they may go on if they have the competition choked together so. The boys formed a unit, and One Direction is laughing they got it the 3. place was attained for themselves, with this, but the first place would have been deserved according to me. Sience are have more thousand fanatic lenn girls favourite become, more between I then. Vigyor

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