Nem kell szőke herceg fehér lovon, csak a One Direction piros buszon! :DA blond prince is not needed on a white horse only One Direction on a red bus! :D

If you read the 5. question for example here, in harry, decide it, that would disturb, is neither, no which one you have to elect in order for it to be calculated how based on the fact that you know it, what you want. Right in harry, the 5. question the two answers, that:

A) does not disturb, if my friend is walking around nakedly, proud onto himself

B) if from among these one would ensue, I would split up with him promptly.

I wrote these answers in such a way for example that I know it which one are true for him, and which one no. He is allowed to believe it so, that disgusting, if somebody is walking around nakedly. So, answer so, which one are true for you how, it, who you suit how, it falls down on his basis though, that this you we say it disturbance, would not disturb it though, a question is not correct already then, but if on the other hand says the two people you consider it disgusting one, you are a dot possibly not, the essence that you agree, a question is correct already then. I wrote this down only in order that he is not a misunderstanding.

Whether Harry I match?

1. Ez the they suit me:

A) I am funny

B) I am very serious, I do not like the jokes

The 2. If I catch sight a star, this reaction of mine:

A) I try to marry it near, and to tell him how much I like it

B) howl, and I am screaming

The 3. This opinion of mine from the animals:

A) i love them

B) pfujj so stinking...

The 4. If I talk to somebody, then:

A) I speak a lot, I am loud-mouthed

B) do not say a lot everything, rather listen to the others, and I answer if
they ask

The 5. Does not disturb/disturbance, if my friend:

A) does not disturb, if my friend is walking around nakedly, proud onto himself

B) if from among these one would ensue, I would split up with him promptly

You make a good match perfectly if you answered all questions with A! You would understand one in everything! Would not disturb nothing in the other one, Harry's activity would not be like that, that possibly would disturb.

You do not make a good match very much if you answered only one or two questions with A, i'm not sure, that you would be together for a long time, but it is said that the contrasts should attract each other! If you would get together possibly, good luck for both!

Whether Niall I match?

The 1. If my friend would snuggle up to me near, then i:

A) I would shove it away from myself

B) I would kiss his neck

The 2. If in my friend's room kupi is:

A) I give an order to it in order for him to clean up

B) does not disturb, I help him if he wants to pack up

The 3. Does not disturb/disturbance, if in my friend's dream:

A) disturbance, if just like begins to sound in his dream

B) it disturbance, if all tells his day

The 4. If my friend is proud of himself, possibly very sensitive, then i:

A) I split up with him, let a boy not be sensitive

B) not trouble, does not disturb me, I am like this

The 5. If my friend sleeps nakedly, then i:

A) I go away because this disturbs me

B) not trouble, if he can sleep so well

You make a good match perfectly if you answered all questions with B! You would understand one in everything! Would not disturb nothing in the other one, Niall would not be his activity like that, that possibly would disturb.

You do not make a good match very much if you answered only one or two questions with B, i'm not sure, that you would be together for a long time, but it is said that the contrasts should attract each other! If you would get together possibly, good luck for both!

Whether Zayn I match?

The 1. If my friend wants to talk about serious things with me, then i:

A) I send it because I cannot talk sincerely

B) I sit down with him, and we talk it over

The 2. I would kiss my friend here first:

A) in the park, the moonlight

B) on the roof, in the moonlight

The 3. Here would have a date first:

A) in a cinema

B) in a restaurant

The 4. Does not disturb, if my friend:

A) is strolling nakedly in all of the house

B) Hannah Montana sings songs

The 5. If my friend smokes, then:

A) I split up with him, let his stinking cig not be smoking before me

B) I try to make it give up the habit of him

You make a good match perfectly if you answered all questions with B! You would understand one in everything! Would not disturb nothing in the other one, Zayn would not be his activity like that, that possibly would disturb.

You do not make a good match very much if you answered only one or two questions with B, i'm not sure, that you would be together for a long time, but it is said that the contrasts should attract each other! If you would get together possibly, good luck for both!

Whether Louis I match?

The 1. If my friend from an entertainment pesters his best friend, then i:

A) I am laughing if the person who my friend pesters is laughing, on the other hand I stop it if he does not find it funny

B) howl his head, because why pesters others? and let him get out of the habit of this promptly

The 2. Does not disturb/disturbance, if my friend gnaws at other ones:

A) if my friend from a punchline (when everybody laughs at him) bites others (people who he knows)

B) yes disturbance! gnaws at his own butt

The 3. If sexy keeps my friend his bottom, then i:

A) according to me sexy

B) I split up with him then, drawn egoistic one

The 4. I am like this:

A) moderate shy one

B) loud-mouthed, cool

The 5. I am serious this much:

A) I adore the jokes, but I can talk about serious things, but I fire many jokes so because of that, than my friend

B) I am very serious, I do not like the jokes

You make a good match perfectly if you answered all questions with A! You would understand one in everything! Would not disturb nothing in the other one, Louis would not be his activity like that, that possibly would disturb.

You do not make a good match very much if you answered only one or two questions with A, i'm not sure, that you would be together for a long time, but it is said that the contrasts should attract each other! If you would get together possibly, good luck for both!

Whether Liam I match?

The 1. Does not disturb/disturbance, if my friend:

A) does not disturb, if my friend romantic

B) disturbance, if my friend is romantic

The 2. If my friend calls to walk, then i:

A) I am going with him because I like walking, and that let us be together till then

B) let him be going alone, we last out a clock without each other

The 3. If my friend is very sensitive, then i:

A) this is then, I am like that

B) I split up with him, in case let him start crying for me

The 4. I am like this:

A) shy and bújós

B) tiny one I am bashful, and I like hiding very much near to my friend

The 5. If my friend bursts into tears under a romantic film, then i:

A) I hide there to it even better, I burst into tears possibly

B) I am out of the cinema, I am thoroughly ashamed. yet one like this, that a boy is crying?

You make a good match perfectly if you answered all questions with A! You would understand one in everything! Would not disturb nothing in the other one, Liam would not be his activity like that, that possibly would disturb.

You do not make a good match very much if you answered only one or two questions with A, i'm not sure, that you would be together for a long time, but it is said that the contrasts should attract each other! If you would get together possibly, good luck for both!

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