Nem kell szőke herceg fehér lovon, csak a One Direction piros buszon! :DA blond prince is not needed on a white horse only One Direction on a red bus! :D

                               Niall Horan

Niall James Horan 1993. September the 13. was born, in Ireland, in Mullingar, in Westmeat. A sibling of his, he has an older brother more punctually, Greg. When Niall was 5 year one, mother divorced ones. Coláiste Mhurie goes to a Christian school. It comes down from this for me, that Niall Christian.XD (I do not know the others on the other hand, so that be kind if he is from this direction something your info, write!! Thanks) in a choir sung in Már childhood. To play the guitar studied after his parents are divorced. In 2012 he it reported itself into a X factor, to which his big auntie encouraged it,.

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Mai: 10
Tegnapi: 19
Heti: 42
Havi: 43
Össz.: 70 676

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