Nem kell szőke herceg fehér lovon, csak a One Direction piros buszon! :DA blond prince is not needed on a white horse only One Direction on a red bus! :D

                                             Liam Payne

Liam James Payne 1993. August was born on 19 in England, in Wolverhapmton, in West Midlands. He has two sisters: Nicola and Ruth. He had to go into a hospital regularly because of his kidney problems when he was small. Claims that himself was a bad boy in a school. Started singing on 12 year ones, it presented itself on 14 year ones, in 2008 in a X factor. Was eliminated because of Simon Cowell because he was too young yet according to it, but asked him to go back after two years. Put in a claim for this in 2010 again, and was so successful in a part because of this. Was other, than the rest of the children, it was terrorized constantly because of this. Boxolni started, drawn úgyérezte, that may protect himself with this, but the nose broke once because of this, but feels it so, that this helped a lot for him. Leona Lewis and Michael McIntyre his ideals, and only a kidney of his yes. His zodiac sign is virgin though.

Weblap látogatottság számláló:

Mai: 24
Tegnapi: 19
Heti: 56
Havi: 57
Össz.: 70 690

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Oldal: Liam Payne
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