Nem kell szőke herceg fehér lovon, csak a One Direction piros buszon! :DA blond prince is not needed on a white horse only One Direction on a red bus! :D

                                             Louis Tomlinson

Louis England was born, in Doncester, in South Yorkshie. his parents obtained the world's best gift, a child on 1991 of his Christmases. December Louis William Tomlinson was born on 24. The one with a blue eye with brown hair, and then until all of them sweet Louis. His friends you are Louisnak, is for Lou it is summoned. His girlfriend Elenor Cardel, to who Louis proposed according to single gossips,, bar all the two people refute it. It reported itself in one sounding in 2010 into a X factor, the others though One Direction you may find it out under a menu item.

There are a couple of interests here yet Louis:

- He adores the carrot.

- He is afraid of the doves.

- His dog ate his book being about David Backham.

- Louis liked showing himself always, it showed his teacher his bottom in a school once. His mommy received a letter following day, that Louis onto 3 days we exclude it because he showed his lower body part. XD

- He was born on a Tuesday.

- It would like to go back in time in order to be allowed to look at it the dinos.

- He would love a little boy very much.

- His old car his name: Cheryl.

- Called everybody out when he was small yet from the bean car, that hello, let you have a good day!.

- Sleepwalker, Naill found it out in such a way once that the jungle sings his book.

- Told his younger sister that he should not be amorous into Harry, drawn too good one to it (that is his younger sister to Harry).

- After a whole evening looked at the new moon feigned that he is Edward.

- Would spend his money on his fans rather, what onto himself.

- Somebody was struck by a seed only one times. Calls back at this time generally, on the other hand if from the fight there is a word, says it, that " Uh oh, there is a trouble!. Then only because of that, because when he was walking in the school once, somebody hit his his ribs, and the others advised it, how he should strike back up, and Louis so act.

- Louis feels low, requires it sometimes because of this , that magassarkút may take on.

- Louis cares about his family very much, sends home money always onto his siblings' education for example.

- A girl is attractive so if he has a strong accent according to Louis.

- Loved to run as a child, everything won a competition in the school.

- It paid attention to his dressing as a child already.

- Louis it is considered the team's clown.

- Does not like it the nyomulós girls.

- The joke is his element. Grimaces steadily, is fooling around, jokes and fools the people_nation.

- Louis once the British anthem sang it for Harry in order to wake up.

- He would not like a tattoo.

- He dreams about a seaside wedding.

- When he is bored, to it annoys Harry.

Vigyor He turned out rather long. Sorry, but from the others i'm not sure, that that's it I can write everything then.

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Mai: 27
Tegnapi: 19
Heti: 59
Havi: 60
Össz.: 70 693

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